Dendrobium cucumerinum is a cute miniature species from Australia that looks like tiny pickles. Once included in the genus Dockrillia, all dockrillias were clumped back in with the dendrobiums again. These guys grow best mounted and in moderate to low light. In their native habitat, they grow on the undersides of branches (thus the lower light requirement). I have been warned many times not to keep these guys too wet, but I have found that daily watering makes them way more happy than being too dry. Mounting allows them to dry out sufficiently each day.
Though they do not bloom readily, who cares? One expert grower told me his bloomed, and when I asked him what he had done to achieve success, he said, “I had it for six years.” So there you go. Nonetheless, it’s one of the cutest orchids you’ll ever see. Plants come mounted.
Temp: Int-Warm
Light: Mod-Low
Water: Allow to dry out
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