A lot of people have been looking for Sedirea, and I am happy to say that they are on their way. Unlike many orchids, the Japanese miniatures like Neofinetia falcata, Dendrobium moniliforme, and Sedirea japonica are produced almost exclusively in Japan and Korea. While they are collected all over the world, the wholesalers are in Asia which can make them hard to come by. I’m happy to say that I have a new influx of plants coming in October which is right around the corner. In addition to replenishing the stocks of some old favorites, I am bringing in some new varieties, as well.
Although NWO specializes in Japanese orchids, I have greatly expanded my offerings of miniature pleurothallids, bulbophyllums, and dendrobiums. If you are looking for a particular species and don’t see it offered, please reach out and ask. I have literally hundreds of plants that are not listed on the website. Better yet, if you’re in the neighborhood or planning to be, make an appointment to come to the greenhouse and see it all in person.
Bulbophyllum sanguineopunctata Dendrobium aemulum Pleurothallis allenii
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